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Thursday March 5, 2020    Coffee 9:30 & 10:00 Meeting

Legacy, Victor, NY


Please print and bring a copy of the agenda, along with any reports and minutes for your own use. Thank you

County Unit Presidents: If you cannot attend the meeting, please arrange for someone to come in your place

  1. Call to Order
  2. Cares and Concerns
  3. Pledge to Flag & Moment of Silence
  4. Introductions
  5. Approve Secretary Minutes for November 7 Meeting
  6. Corresponding Secretary
  7. Treasurer’s Report – Betty Pilato
  8. Standing Committee Reports
  9. Membership – Jane Crosby
  10. Newsletter-Jane Crosby
  11. Bulk Mail-Jane Crosby
  12. Legislation- William Lesniak
  13. Website- William Lesniak
  14. Nominations –Marge Wood
  15. Friendly Service- report sent out to all by email
  16. Community Service-Joan Handfield
  17. Healthcare- Betty-Weber-Worden
  18. Awards- Judie Byndes/Phyllis Dunlap
  19.  Barrie Fleegle (newly retired)
  20. Epke-Meagher Active Educator
  21. Hudson –Kramer –Sandy Kushne
  22. Bylaws – Bruce Croucher
  23. Resolutions- Judie Byndas
  24. Public Relations- Phyllis Dunlap
  25. Historian- Phyllis Dunlap
  26. Fundraising – Betty –  [Presidents’ Appeal discussion – WHEN?)
  27.       Unit President’s Reports 
  28. Vice-president Report- VACANT POSITION
  29.      Old Business –  Opening – Vice-president (chair of Annual Meeting- update report                    
  30.      booklet, help to decide where, when, and speaker
  31.      New Business  –

     Annual Meeting – booklet – where, when, speaker


Grace and Lunch

CWZ Meeting Dates 2020

May 7

Aug. 6

2020  Annual Meeting TBD

Nov. 5


2020 October 14, 15 & 16th (Weds-Fri)

March 2020 Friendly Service Report
Annual reports:  This is the second year in which our annual reports are due for the calendar year for this past year’s activities. Paperwork was sent in November and reports were received by me and the CWZ report mailed to Judith Corigliano, State VP for Friendly Service. Activity seems to be lighter as it gets harder to get people to volunteer. Many thanks to all the Friendly Service workers who work tirelessly to brighten the lives of our retirees.

Special thanks to ever vigilant Betty Pilato who received a check for FS, but she and I knew it wasn’t ours. Too early for state check! Several were contacted and finally it was Debbie Barnes who put the pieces together of this puzzle. It was intended for CW,  but mistakenly sent to CWZ. Thanks, Debbie, too. 

Deaths and cards:  Eunice Barnes died Jan. 9. A sympathy card was sent to Gail Sherman in Brian’s sudden death in Jan.He worked tirelessly for York State. A sympathy card was sent to Judith Corigliano in the unexpected death of her brother on Jan. 27, 2020.  Get well cards were sent to Jane Crosby, and Chuck Peszynski. If you sent notice of earlier deaths, I sent them along to NYSRTA in case it didn’t reach them earlier.

Checkbook balance:  $399.03.

May the rest of the winter be happy and healthy for you wherever you may be spending it.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Rosecrans, Friendly Service, CWZ