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Thursday, May 2, 2019 Meeting: Coffee 9:30 & 10:00 Meeting

Legacy, Victor, NY


County Unit Presidents: If you cannot attend the meeting, please arrange for someone to come in your place

     Call to Order

  1. Cares and Concerns
  2. Pledge to Flag & Moment of Silence
  3. Introductions
  4. Secretary Minutes for March 7, 2018 Meeting – Elaine Leisure
  5. Corresponding Secretary – Pat Dick  THANK YOU!!!
  6. Treasurer’s Report – Betty Pilato
  7. Standing Committee Reports
  8. Membership – Jane Crosby
  9. Membership Incentives (Zone $1000, Unit member $50)
  10. Find out names/contact info for 2019 retirees
  11. Encourage state membership, especially for officers
  12. Encourage Lifetime members to give to President’s Appeal
  13. Newsletter-Jane Crosby
  14. Bulk Mail-Jane Crosby
  15. Legislation- William Lesniak
  16. Website- William Lesniak
  17. Nominations – VACANT “Units fall apart when membership does not step up to take office.” Each unit needs to provide a person for the Nominating Committee
  18. Friendly Service- Barb Rosecrans (FS is unique to RENY!)
  19. Community Service-Joan Handfield
  20. Healthcare- survey – Betty Weber-Worden
  21. The Statewide Health Insurance Information Network
  22. Healthcare Initiative (How do our school districts match to county lines? Any overlap?) Monitors?  Each unit needs to provide a person to sit on the Healthcare Health Ins. Info. Network
  23. Awards- Judie Byndes/Phyllis Dunlap
  24.  Barrie Fleegle (newly retired)
  25. Epke-Meagher Active Educator
  26. Hudson –Kramer –Sandy Kushner
  27. Bylaws – Bruce Croucher
  28. Resolutions- Judie Byndas
  29. Public Relations- Phyllis Dunlap
  30. Historian- Phyllis Dunlap
  31. Fundraising – Betty –  basket raffle at CWZ annual meeting?
  32. Unit Presidents’ Reportl
  33. CWZ Presidents’ Goals– to fill officer and committee positions, disseminate information, have a good turnout at the annual meeting
  34. Vice-president Report- VACANT
  35. Old Business
  36.  Money from state discuss what used for
  37.  VP/Chair of Annual Meeting
  38. CWZ Annual Meeting (see below)
  39. New Business
  40. Marketing + New Brand
  41. Adjournment
  42. Grace and Lunch

-County Meeting Dates and CWZ Executive Meeting Dates for 2019 – send to Co-Presidents and Bill Lesniak for the website (see draft attached)

-New County Executive Rosters – send to Co-Presidents and Bill Lesniak for the website (see draft attached)


The next CWZ meeting is Aug. 1.

CWZ Annual Meeting September 19

King’s Catering

Program:  Ron Sherman- Rhodes Scholar trips, retired from Pittsford.

Kevin Mulligan, President of RENY would like to visit to make a personal connection at the Annual Meeting and have the opportunity to speak for about 20 minutes.

NYSRTA/RENY Annual Convention

Turning Stone  October 9-11