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                                                    Minutes of CWZ Executive Committee Meeting

                                                            Thursday, May 14, 2015, Legacy, Victor


Meeting called to order at 10 a.m. by President Tim Quill.  Frank Berger led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.  A moment of silence was observed for our departed members and the men and

women of our armed forces.  Introductions of those present was held.  Each county was given NYSRTA

buttons to be given to state members to wear to promote our interest in education.


Secretary’s Minutes   Copy attached—Motion to accept minutes by Frank Berger and seconded by Pat Cheesman was carried.


Treasurer’s Report—Copy attached.  Filed for Audit.


Directories of CWZ available.


Membership—Kitty Braddon and Mary Prince Walter—Letters for Superintendents to report 2015 retirees is available—let your membership chair know—report 2015 retirees to Kitty and Mary.  3 counties (Yates, Seneca and Ontario) received grants for retiree recruitment.  Seneca has had their event, Yates is scheduled for May 21( flyer included) and Ontario is in the planning stage.  

Legislation-Bill Lesniak   Report attached. 

Nominations-Julie Wunder   Need a Vice President, Newsletter, and Awards.  Sharon White is new Bylaws Chair; Carol Lord-Assistant Treasurer.

 Friendly Service-Barbara Rosecrans Report attached. Letters sent out to County Friendly Service Chairs for annual report.   Discussion held re: Friendly Service being a part of Strategic Planning.  Carol Lord will take the suggestion to the Strategic Planning meeting. 

Community Service-Elaine Leasure   NYSRTA Walkers—Members walk for different charities.  Should identify self as NYSRTA member with button or tee shirt (may be available for $12).  State Community chair wishes to know how many people walk, for what charity, and amount of money raised.  Forms to complete are available.  Will be done in spring and fall.  Reports will be made at the NYSRTA Convention.  Please let Elaine what your unit is doing for community service.  NYSUT is stocking a warehouse with books for First Book—title one schools are eligible for these books.  Elaine asked to collect for First Book at CWZ Annual Meeting.

 Resolutions—John Roy absent—June 13, 2015 last day to submit resolutions.

 Health Care- Betty Weber-Worden—State project—NYSRTA Walkers 

Fund Raising- ARC will print the annual newsletter—motion made by Pat Cheesman, seconded by Joan Irwin.  Motion carried.

 Awards- Jane Behnk and Sandy Kushner—Epke-Meagher Award packet given out.  Applications need to be In July 24.

 Bulk Mailing—Jane Crosby   Due to an error by Jane, wrong form given counties.  Lyons postmaster graciously gave correct form.

 Website—Bill Lesniak–   By bundling together our needs for the website, can get 3 yr. contract for $285.17.

Motion made to pay the contract by Joan Irwin and seconded by Carol Lord.  Motion carried.

Barrie Fleegel Memorial Awards— 20+ applicants.  11 awards given 2-$200; 2-$150; 7-$100.  Folders given County Presidents of information on awardees.

 Vice Presidents’ Report—-   Annual Meeting set for September 24 at Notre Dame Retreat House–$20 fee

 President’s Report–  Jane Crosby will assemble newsletter in 2016.  Baskets are needed for the NYSRTA Convention;  Carol Lord and Elaine Leasure volunteered to assemble baskets.  A motion for CWZ to pay for the baskets was made by Pat Cheesman and seconded by Jane Behnk.  Motion Carried.  Requested each county bring a basket to CWZ Annual Meeting.  Jane Crosby and Mary Prince Walter will handle the raffle.  NYSRTA still trying to economize on the Annual Convention.  Many ideas floated around.   A motion to look into sustaining life membership was made by Jane Crosby and seconded by Jane Behnk.  Motion carried.  Carol Lord will bring up at Strategic Planning meeting. 

 Historian-Phyllis Dunlap   Articles from Ontario, Orleans and Steuben   Early July—Wayne and Seneca.  Early November—Wyoming and Yates.  Page for CWZ Scrapbook needed.

 Meeting adjourned—11:30 a.m.

 Respectfully submitted

 Jane Crosby, Recording Secretary