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CWZ of NYSRTA Minutes of May 1, 2014 Executive Board meeting @Legacy, Victor, NY

The May meeting was called to order at 10 am by President, Timothy Quill, who led the Pledge to the Flag and a moment of silence. Attendees were Tim Quill, Jane Behnk, John Hogan, John Roy, Joan Irwin, Betty Pilato, Sandy Kushner, Elaine Gleason, Robyn Ballard, Elaine Leasure, Mary Prince Walter, Julie Wunder, Dolores Hofmann, Jack Heller, and Pat Dick.  Everyone introduced themselves, as new members were present. The minutes of 3/6/14 were approved as read. The treasurer’s report was also approved as read.

Mary Ella  Morgan did not attend the meeting, but Phyllis Dunlap and Lyn Fitch did attend.

Committee Reports

Membership-Mary Prince Walter gave an oral report. They need the new retirees list as soon as possible.  Kitty Braddon wants to apply to the Grant Fund for Membership. They are asking each county to submit one idea for the application, and the amount of money they could get will vary according to the ideas.  They are also reworking the Western Zone letter for delinquent members, so that it works for CWZ.  Mary stressed that personal contact is still the most important.  Tim gave the county presidents the form letter to send to the Superintendents for new retirees.

Legislation-Bill Lesniak told about the bills up for discussion; prescription drugs, bumping up the pay for long-time retired teachers, and issues with Tier one.  He mentioned the Governor wants to open the State Constitution for changes, and that the teachers need to oppose this action.  Charter school concerns were then discussed.

Nominations-Doris Whitney is resigning her position, so a new person is needed to fill the position.

Friendly Service-Barb reminded counties to let her know if they have new Friendly Service reps. This was in addition to her written report.

Historian-Phyllis reminded counties that she was giving them two pages for information on their county for the scrapbook, and county scrapbooks can be displayed at the September meeting.

Community Service-Elaine gave a written report, and highlighted the fact that counties should publicize NYSRTA in whatever press releases they may do.

By-Laws and Health Care -no reports

Resolutions-Jay and Carol Ramsey have resigned as long time chairmen of this committee, so new leaders are needed.

Public Relations-Phyllis reminded Presidents what counties owe reports for York State, and when they are due.

Fund Raising-Tim stated that the fund raising letters go out in May.

Awards-Each county was given an envelope with information on the Epke-Meagher award, and then reminded about the deadline dates.

Bulk mailing-Jane Crosby will now be in charge of this, and the mailing will be moved to Lyons.  A motion to prepare an application to transfer the mailing on September 8, was presented by Julie Wunder, seconded by John Roy, and passed. Joan reported that there was a mystery mailing done on April 8. They are trying to find which county did this, as they owe $46.99 to CWZ.  Joan mentioned to be sure the correct form is used when doing the bulk mailing.

Web Site-Bill has the site up and working, although some members have had issues getting on.

Barrie Fleegel Award-A big thanks to Ann Czajkowski and Mariann Holcomb for their work on this.  Sale of raffle tickets is encouraged.  They had 17 applications from 8 counties, and awards were given to each county.  Certificates will be given to each winner, along with their monetary awards.

Annual Meeting-September 18 at the Avon Inn will be the date and place for this meeting.  There will be a retired teacher doing a presentation on American History, for the program.  Possible future programs were suggested that included Les Buell on the War of 1812, and a Professor from the Chiropractic College that speaks on relocation camps in Africa.

Fund Raising-Pat Dick reported for Sue Nellany on tie dyed tee shirts that are now available.  It was suggested that we use these for CWZ when we are in charge of the convention in 2016.

President’s report-

Tim welcomed Jane Behak and Sandy Kushner as the co vice-presidents.  They are already hard at work on the September meeting. There are still several positions that need to be filled, including Resolution Chair and Newsletter Chair.  Dates for the Spring and Fall meetings need to be in asap, so members can get them on their calendar. By Law changes were discussed, and they are mainly wording changes.  The March State Executive Board meeting was discussed.  Lisa Dolan is retiring from the state offices, and Kathy Bassett will move up into her position.  2014 Convention changes were mentioned, as the Convention has been scaled back.  It is proposed that zones send new people to the convention to expose them to the workings of NYSTRA.  CWZ will be hosting in 2016.  At the last Convention, dues increases were voted on, although after much discussion, life memberships will not be done away with.  Information was given on the Certificate of Recognition for the Fall meeting, each County President is asked to submit one or two applications for their county. A Long Term Health Care representative wanted to come speak to the group, but this offer was declined.

Unfinished Business- John Hogan gave a Thank You tribute to Doris Whitney, for all her hard work for NYSRTA and CWZ.  The State Executive Board will meet in Utica on July 12.

New Business-Joan Irwin made a motion to make Doris Whitney an ex-officio member of the CWZ Executive Board.  Carol Lord seconded it, and the motion was passed unanimously.

The next meeting will be August 14, 2014 at the Legacy in Victor.  This meeting was adjourned at 11:25 am.

Acting Recording Secretary, Patricia Dick